Search Results for: Mitt Romney

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The Greater of Evils

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: November 8, 2012

President Barack Obama is on Tuesday’s ballot, seeking four more years as president of the United States. Like many Americans, I find that prospect deeply troubling — downright scary. Some say the nation cannot survive another four years of Mr. Obama. Though that belief probably underestimates our resilience as a…

And the President Is . . .

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: December 20, 2011

Unless our elections are rigged, Congressman Ron Paul — like anyone else running for president — has a bona fide chance to win. Because we regular people get to decide. It’s our votes; it’s our caucuses. So, why does the news media keep telling us that Ron Paul has no…

Veto Washington

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: May 3, 2012

When former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson sought the Republican nomination for president, he was unequivocally told “NO” — not by voters, who had little chance to consider his candidacy, but by media outlets refusing to give him a place on their debate stages. Mr. Johnson didn’t garner enough support…

Romney-Biden 2012?

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: November 6, 2012

The most interesting presidential election in U.S. history may have been the fourth, wherein Thomas Jefferson won. Sort of. How Jefferson got to be president may be relevant in this election, which is now so close that some wonder what would happen if there were an Electoral College stalemate, 269…

Withdrawal, with Enduring Presence

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: May 30, 2012

President Barack Obama recently signed a much ballyhooed Strategic Partnership Declaration with Afghan President Harmid Karzai, ostensibly to remove all U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. He trumpeted the withdrawal in pursuing a second term, aware that most Americans want out. A late March New York…

A Leaner Bear

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: October 26, 2016

Russia is being painted as Enemy No. 1 by Hillary Clinton, despite her predecessor’s mocking of the same notion four years ago, when Republican Mitt Romney said it. Of course, Mrs. Clinton is just using Russia as a distraction from her conspiracies and crimes and inadequacies as revealed by WikiLeaks.…

Enemies, Bedfellows

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: April 2, 2012

The Ron Paul 2012 campaign’s caucus-state delegate strategy, discussed here before, aims to work around the candidate’s biggest hurdle: Republican voters. Though Ron Paul has a strong appeal to the young and to independents — constituencies needed to win against a sitting president — older, mainstream Republicans voters aren’t especially…

The Cattle Are Restless

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: July 19, 2018

“There is one law for man,” goes an ancient saying, “another for cattle.” Moo. Glenn Reynolds, writing in USA Today, sees this principle in operation now, where the ruling class gets away with a whole heckuva lot while the rest of us do not: “Freedom from consequences: It’s the defining…

Townhall: #NeverEvil #NeverCorrupt

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: June 12, 2016

This weekend at, your Common Sense advocate for freedom tries to free minds from the constraints of the two major political parties. It's easier, this year, since both parties seem bent on picking candidates that are . . . bent. Click on over, then come back here for more…

Better Than Paul Ryan

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: August 16, 2012

Maybe it was the smile that spread across my face, or the extra bit of jubilance with which I poured my cup of coffee, but whichever telltale mannerism alerted her, my daughter certainly noticed. Our telescreen had just announced that U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) had been chosen by Mitt…