Search Results for: Mitt Romney

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Firing People for Fun & Profit

Relevance: 100%      Posted on: January 11, 2012

After winning the New Hampshire primary last night, Mitt Romney charged that “some desperate Republicans” have joined forces with President Obama “to put free enterprise on trial.” Newt Gingrich calls Romney a “vulture capitalist” and blasted his work as CEO of Bain Capital as “bankrupting companies and laying off employees.”…

The BWIA Taboo

Relevance: 97%      Posted on: April 17, 2012

Last week, a Mommy Maelstrom unleashed when Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen, interviewed as an “expert” on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, charged that Ann Romney, who reared five boys as a stay-at-home mom and continues to be the better half of presidential candidate Mitt, had “never worked a day in her…

Reason #6

Relevance: 96%      Posted on: May 2, 2012

I think I like Mitt Romney, the man. I have defended some of what he has said. But I doubt I will support him for the presidency — and if he gets elected, I’d likely spend as much time criticizing him as I did George W. Bush and as I…


Relevance: 93%      Posted on: May 13, 2011

As a candidate for the presidency, Mitt Romney has a number of things going for him. He’s rich, handsome, and has a funny first name. Perhaps more importantly, he’s neither Donald Trump nor Newt Gingrich. But still, he does have a niggly problem: His experience. He was the Massachusetts governor…

Video: Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity”

Relevance: 93%      Posted on: August 11, 2012

"Washington has not been telling you the truth," says Rep. Paul Ryan — Mitt Romney's selection for his running mate: Consider what he offers, following up with the rest of the video in its second and third installments. But take caution. Rep. Ryan's plan is very slow to take effect,…

Bite the Hand

Relevance: 88%      Posted on: September 20, 2012

I’m not sure there’s much percentage in talking about percentages. Divvying folks into groups, and then relying on people to “stay” within their group — behaving according to one’s specifications — seems . . . kind of creepy. Last year’s “Occupy” movement, with its relentless pitching of the “99 percent,”…

Squelching the Revolution

Relevance: 87%      Posted on: June 27, 2012

During the months of primaries and caucuses, the popularity of Ron Paul was a fear expressed amongst both neoconservative and “mainstream” Republican insiders in hushed tones, rarely ever surfacing, but instead roiling under politics’ prudential lid. Now that Mitt Romney has sealed the nomination with enough delegates from the primary…

The Real Whopper

Relevance: 81%      Posted on: June 18, 2012

“Today, government at all levels consumes 37 percent of the total economy, or GDP,” Mitt Romney said earlier this month. “If Obamacare is allowed to stand, government will reach half of the American economy.” Glenn Kessler’s Fact Checker column at the Washington Post slapped that statement with four “Pinocchios,” the…

Greed and Bigotry on the Campaign Trail

Relevance: 77%      Posted on: August 19, 2011

On the video page featuring Mitt Romney’s notorious “corporations are people” comment — the one I clicked to, anyway — every comment was negative, with jokes like “Did you hear that S&P downgraded the Tea Party credit grade to KK+?” and economically illiterate whoppers like “Corporations do not help anyone…

Into Each Life, a Little Romney Falls

Relevance: 74%      Posted on: March 7, 2012

Some things I just “don’t get.” How can either pro-lifers or Obamacare opponents trust Mitt Romney? Sure, he says he’s pro-life and he pledges to repeal the Democrats’ health care reform package. But for years he said he was for abortion rights; he switched in what’s been called a “flip-flop-flip”…

The A-Word

Relevance: 73%      Posted on: August 17, 2012

The n-word got dropped on MSNBC’s The Cycle this week. The show’s co-host [No First Name] Touré called Mitt Romney’s use of the word “angry” to describe some of the rhetoric coming out of the White House as “the ‘niggerization’ of Obama”: “You are not one of us, you are…

New Orbits for Old

Relevance: 68%      Posted on: January 12, 2012

A recent study using something called “gravitational microlensing” suggests that every star has at least one planet. There are a lot of planets out there. So there “must” be Earth-similar planets. And “therefore” life. Intelligent life. And, and, and . . . Back on Earth, the search for intelligence amongst…

Somewhere Short of Salvation

Relevance: 68%      Posted on: August 14, 2012

When I heard that Mitt Romney had chosen Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his vice-presidential running mate, I thought, “Wow. It could have been worse.” I like Paul Ryan. You know, for a politician. Rep. Ryan, at least, appears to be serious about our country’s 16 trillion debt and…

The Hewitt-Romney Rationalization

Relevance: 66%      Posted on: June 6, 2011

Those who insist that RomneyCare isn’t as bad as ObamaCare need a reality check. Both impose new price controls; both impose new taxpayer-funded subsidies; both force people to buy health insurance; both massively expand government interference in our lives. Former Governor Mitt Romney seemed to acknowledge the similarities when he…

Shut Up and Listen

Relevance: 66%      Posted on: April 19, 2012

Sometimes men should shut up and be good listeners. Especially when the issue is about women. What do men know? Look, I’ll be the first man to plead guilty for my gender, that we don’t know anything about women. Zip, zero, zilch. Moreover, we’re listening-challenged — though that, arguably, is…

The Punisher Vote

Relevance: 65%      Posted on: August 27, 2012

As bad weather and thousands of good Republicans descend upon Florida, it’s worth keeping perspective: The best (and perhaps only) reason to vote for Mitt Romney is the same as the best/only reason Americans had to vote for Barack Obama in 2008: to punish the party previously in power. The…


Relevance: 62%      Posted on: September 21, 2012

“We’re all in this together,” folks say. I’ve even said it. But are we? Yesterday, I discussed Mitt Romney’s secretly recorded comments on the “47 percent” he believes are hell-bent on supporting President Obama . . . and an apparently different 47 percent not paying federal income taxes. Romney expressed…

Bad to Worst

Relevance: 60%      Posted on: May 10, 2012

“The best,” Milton Friedman liked to remind us, “is often the enemy of the good.” Last week I expected one of my readers to cite the great economist against me. On Wednesday I had offered six (count ’em: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) reasons why conservatives might cheer…

Polled American!

Relevance: 57%      Posted on: September 28, 2012

More people view Mitt Romney unfavorably (49 percent) than view Barack Obama unfavorably (45 percent), according to the most recent Reason-Rupe Poll. This, despite Romney being the challenger, while President Obama must live down his sorry record. By this measure, and others in the poll, Obama’s re-election seems ever more…

Buy My Vote!

Relevance: 57%      Posted on: September 27, 2012

In 42 days, there’s an election to determine who will wield executive power in the world’s most powerful nation. Ours. Lots of power is on the line. And with power comes fear. And with fear being such a powerful motivator, the polls will no doubt be crowded. Unfortunately, fear-based voting…

So Goes the Ancient Chinese Curse

Relevance: 57%      Posted on: May 7, 2012

Election news from the weekend tells us that Ron Paul won the majority of delegates at Maine’s GOP state convention, with a sizable hunk of Republicans saying, yet again, “no” to Mitt Romney. In France, Nicolas Sarkozy got ousted, as French voters put in a self-declared socialist for the second…

China Syndrome, 2012

Relevance: 57%      Posted on: October 8, 2012

The two major presidential candidates, incumbent Obama and challenger Romney, must spend their final weeks of the campaign appealing to Members of their respective parties disappointed enough to stay home on election day — or vote the dreaded “Third Party” ticket; Independent voters apt to find something distasteful about both…

Banker Away

Relevance: 56%      Posted on: August 10, 2012

Republican candidate for the U.S. Presidency Mitt Romney has received some flak for keeping some of his vast hoard of wealth in foreign accounts. Though I have a few problems with Mr. Romney, this isn’t one of them. Folks with savings and investments should diversify. Anyone with large amounts of…

Owning Up to Racism

Relevance: 56%      Posted on: October 19, 2012

Last week, actress Stacey Dash tweeted her support for Republican candidate Mitt Romney. And unleashed a firestorm, including AP coverage — “Do Black People Support Obama Because He’s Black?” On Twitter, she was called “jigaboo,” “traitor,” “house nigger” and worse. . . . The theme of the insults: A black…

Don’t Blame Me

Relevance: 56%      Posted on: May 22, 2012

Some folks are quick to blame the voters for the mess this country is in. Not me. In 2008, Americans overwhelmingly opposed the TARP bailouts. Which candidate — Democrat Obama or Republican McCain — represented the majority of us on that central issue? Neither. This year, President Obama promises a…

It’s a Trap!

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: May 4, 2012

There is a reason I usually concentrate my political efforts on initiative measures: by being selective I can avoid making things worse. Electoral politics, on the other hand, is always fraught with dangers: compromise and betrayal are the norm. And the voter, when observant, often gets the feeling he’s being…

Dale Carnegie, Where Are You?

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: November 15, 2012

What should the Republican Party do now? That’s the post-election question. Yet, not being a Republican, I figure I can only answer this question: What should the Republican Party not do? Before the election, I would have answered, “Talk about ‘legitimate rape.’” Even now I suggest a short course for…

As Goes Maine

Relevance: 51%      Posted on: February 17, 2012

On Monday I reported on the Ron Paul campaign’s “open secret” strategy: Gaining delegates in the caucus states, while letting the caucus-night straw poll numbers basically take care of themselves. The “popular” vote on caucus nights in states like Iowa and Minnesota and Maine may show Santorum or Romney as…

Impeachments Are Forever?

Relevance: 48%      Posted on: February 7, 2020

The impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, just concluded in the Senate with an acquittal, was — so far as the Senate trial portion of the exercise is concerned — the least partisan presidential impeachment in U.S. history. That’s because Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) was the first senator ever to…

United States of Corruption

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: December 1, 2016

When Hillary Clinton assured her insider sponsors (as we learned through WikiLeaks) that there would be a crucial difference between what she tells the people and what her actual policies would be, she was not merely admitting to a private and a public face. The President is legally, and by…

The Greater of Evils

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: November 8, 2012

President Barack Obama is on Tuesday’s ballot, seeking four more years as president of the United States. Like many Americans, I find that prospect deeply troubling — downright scary. Some say the nation cannot survive another four years of Mr. Obama. Though that belief probably underestimates our resilience as a…

And the President Is . . .

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: December 20, 2011

Unless our elections are rigged, Congressman Ron Paul — like anyone else running for president — has a bona fide chance to win. Because we regular people get to decide. It’s our votes; it’s our caucuses. So, why does the news media keep telling us that Ron Paul has no…

Veto Washington

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: May 3, 2012

When former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson sought the Republican nomination for president, he was unequivocally told “NO” — not by voters, who had little chance to consider his candidacy, but by media outlets refusing to give him a place on their debate stages. Mr. Johnson didn’t garner enough support…

Romney-Biden 2012?

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: November 6, 2012

The most interesting presidential election in U.S. history may have been the fourth, wherein Thomas Jefferson won. Sort of. How Jefferson got to be president may be relevant in this election, which is now so close that some wonder what would happen if there were an Electoral College stalemate, 269…

Withdrawal, with Enduring Presence

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: May 30, 2012

President Barack Obama recently signed a much ballyhooed Strategic Partnership Declaration with Afghan President Harmid Karzai, ostensibly to remove all U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. He trumpeted the withdrawal in pursuing a second term, aware that most Americans want out. A late March New York…

A Leaner Bear

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: October 26, 2016

Russia is being painted as Enemy No. 1 by Hillary Clinton, despite her predecessor’s mocking of the same notion four years ago, when Republican Mitt Romney said it. Of course, Mrs. Clinton is just using Russia as a distraction from her conspiracies and crimes and inadequacies as revealed by WikiLeaks.…

Enemies, Bedfellows

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: April 2, 2012

The Ron Paul 2012 campaign’s caucus-state delegate strategy, discussed here before, aims to work around the candidate’s biggest hurdle: Republican voters. Though Ron Paul has a strong appeal to the young and to independents — constituencies needed to win against a sitting president — older, mainstream Republicans voters aren’t especially…

The Cattle Are Restless

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: July 19, 2018

“There is one law for man,” goes an ancient saying, “another for cattle.” Moo. Glenn Reynolds, writing in USA Today, sees this principle in operation now, where the ruling class gets away with a whole heckuva lot while the rest of us do not: “Freedom from consequences: It’s the defining…

Townhall: #NeverEvil #NeverCorrupt

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: June 12, 2016

This weekend at, your Common Sense advocate for freedom tries to free minds from the constraints of the two major political parties. It's easier, this year, since both parties seem bent on picking candidates that are . . . bent. Click on over, then come back here for more…

Better Than Paul Ryan

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: August 16, 2012

Maybe it was the smile that spread across my face, or the extra bit of jubilance with which I poured my cup of coffee, but whichever telltale mannerism alerted her, my daughter certainly noticed. Our telescreen had just announced that U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) had been chosen by Mitt…

Tax Reductions Ahead?

Relevance: 39%      Posted on: September 24, 2012

As the president yammers on about making the rich “pay their fair share,” behind the scenes his administration has suggested reducing corporate tax rates by seven points. Meanwhile, Obama’s main challenger, Mitt Romney, promised a full ten point rate cut, if elected. Why? By international standards, American corporate taxes are…

Who’s In, Who’s Out

Relevance: 39%      Posted on: April 24, 2012

Hopes for a “Tea Party”-based revolution sputter against the rocks of partisan politics. The non-partisan nature of the movement has dribbled away as Republicans — not Democrats — have courted Tea Party support. And GOP leaders have remained firmly in control. James Hohmann, writing in Politico, shows that the old…

The Gray Fox

Relevance: 38%      Posted on: September 3, 2012

Clint Eastwood, crazy? Like a fox. Last Thursday, at the Republican Party Convention in Tampa, he spoke to a primetime television audience of millions in the type of direct language politicians never utter. The movie star’s message was simple, but his presentation was more acting routine than speech, using an…

Another Skittles-related death

Relevance: 38%      Posted on: March 31, 2012

A young man was shot dead by a neighborhood watch captain a month ago in Sanford, Florida, a town I’ve only driven through during a vacation or two. The particular facts of the case, at least as they’ve been reported, are that the victim, 17-year old Trayvon Martin, committed no…

The Wisdom of the Founders

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: November 8, 2016

“At a certain point, you have to let go for the democracy to work,” President Barack Obama told HBO’s Bill Maher last week, praising “the wisdom of the founders.” “There has to be fresh legs,” he continued. “There have to be new people. And you have to have the humility…

Luther Martin

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: July 8, 2016

On July 8, 1839, American industrialist John D. Rockefeller was born. On this same date in 1907, businessman and politician George W. Romney was born. Died on this date, American founding politician, Luther Martin [pictured], in 1826. Martin is famed among founding fathers for refusing to sign the U.S. Constitution,…

Luther Martin

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: July 8, 2017

On July 8, 1839, American industrialist John D. Rockefeller was born. On this same date in 1907, businessman and politician George W. Romney was born. Died on this date, American founding politician, Luther Martin [pictured], in 1826. Martin is famed among founding fathers for refusing to sign the U.S. Constitution,…

Luther Martin

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: July 8, 2018

On July 8, 1839, American industrialist John D. Rockefeller was born. On this same date in 1907, businessman and politician George W. Romney was born. Died on this date, American founding politician, Luther Martin [pictured], in 1826. Martin is famed among founding fathers for refusing to sign the U.S. Constitution,…

The 22 Franc Minimum Wage

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: May 19, 2014

Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney agree with America’s progressives: raising the minimum wage is common sense. The Swiss had a chance to prove their solidarity with that notion yesterday, when they voted on whether to establish a minimum wage in the country, a rather…

Luther Martin

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: July 8, 2020

On July 8, 1839, American industrialist John D. Rockefeller was born. On this same date in 1907, businessman and politician George W. Romney was born. Died on this date, American founding politician, Luther Martin [pictured], in 1826. Martin is famed among founding fathers for refusing to sign the U.S. Constitution,…

Luther Martin

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: July 8, 2019

On July 8, 1839, American industrialist John D. Rockefeller was born. On this same date in 1907, businessman and politician George W. Romney was born. Died on this date, American founding politician, Luther Martin [pictured], in 1826. Martin is famed among founding fathers for refusing to sign the U.S. Constitution,…

Great & Powerful Teleprompter

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: September 6, 2012

There’s a man behind a curtain somewhere doing whatever one does to a teleprompter. Load? Arm? Detonate? Last week, in Tampa, a Republican teleprompter put words into the mouth of Speaker of the House John Boehner, then chairing the convention, specifically these words: “In the opinion of the chair, the…

Alfred Nobel Rolls Over

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: October 16, 2012

The Nobel Committee, having whetted its appetite for absurdity with a long string of goofy Peace Prize Awards, especially but not limited to the 2009 award for Barack Obama (who had done nothing but get elected to earn it), went all the way by giving the 2012 award to the…

Breaking the Jell-O Mold

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: March 24, 2023

American politics has become amazingly “gerontocratic.”  Congress is run by really old people, the faces of the Supreme Court Justices are as wrinkled as the Constitution they allegedly serve, and the oldest U.S. president in our history is a Silent Generation stumbler with one foot in the grave and the…

Ron Paul Switches Gears

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: May 16, 2012

The day before the official debut of Brian Doherty’s Ron Paul’s Revolution — the new book on the man, his crusade and his many enthusiastic supporters — Ron Paul slipped his 2012 presidential campaign into neutral: Our campaign will continue to work in the state convention process. We will continue to…

Luther Martin

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: July 8, 2021

Died on this date, American founding politician, Luther Martin [pictured], in 1826. Martin is famed among founding fathers for refusing to sign the U.S. Constitution, seeing the new compact as unduly centralizing and nationalistic. On July 8, 1839, American industrialist John D. Rockefeller was born. On this same date in…

#NeverTrump Red Herring

Relevance: 33%      Posted on: June 1, 2016

Neoconservative writer Bill Kristol doesn’t like the prospect of Donald Trump running as the Republican presidential candidate this year. And Kristol’s not just going to talk about it. He’s trying to get something done. But instead of doing the rational thing and lobbying each and every delegate to the Republican…

“Our Agenda Was Common Sense”

Relevance: 33%      Posted on: February 14, 2018

The Republican Party doesn’t need to bury the corpse. Its victim has been assimilated, like the Borg did with alien peoples in the Star Trek universe, or maybe it was just soaked up as if the GOP were a giant fungus amongus. So, what’s dead? The Tea Party, which was…

The False Fairness of Bias

Relevance: 33%      Posted on: August 15, 2016

“If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly,” Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday, “I would be beating Hillary by 20%.” Argue the percentage, sure, but acknowledge the obvious bias. Asked by MediaBuzz host, Howard Kurtz, about a “tilt against Donald Trump,” Larry Sabato, the director of the Center for…

Listen to Whom?

Relevance: 33%      Posted on: May 10, 2016

It’s a time for choosing, I concluded yesterday, for Republican voters — between the so-called “establishment” Republicans endorsing Donald Trump’s candidacy and those, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and both President Bushes, who have declined to endorse. Sen. John McCain’s admonition that, “You have to listen to…

Luther Martin

Relevance: 32%      Posted on: July 8, 2022

Died on this date, American founding politician, Luther Martin [pictured], in 1826. Martin is famed among founding fathers for refusing to sign the U.S. Constitution, seeing the new compact as unduly centralizing and nationalistic. On July 8, 1839, American industrialist John D. Rockefeller was born. On this same date in…

Big Bucks Buy Votes

Relevance: 32%      Posted on: February 10, 2021

Want to know how Washington works?  Or doesn’t work?  Drafting legislation to provide COVID (and COVID lockdown) relief, President Joe Biden and Congress contemplate just how big to make the next round of government checks sent to “the inhabitants of America.” And which folks to send the freshly printed moolah.…

The Enemies List(s)

Relevance: 31%      Posted on: May 20, 2013

It’s no surprise to long-time observers of the Obama administration, the Internal Revenue Service, or government in general that the IRS has targeted non-lefty groups for reasons the agency laughably contends are non-ideological. The current brouhaha is only part of the story. Here’s another part. Frank VanderSloot is a businessman…

In Defense of “Spoilers”

Relevance: 30%      Posted on: December 13, 2013

“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives,” wrote G.K. Chesterton. “The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.” This pretty much sums up modern politics. And it pretty much explains my lack of…

No Humans Were Harmed

Relevance: 28%      Posted on: May 22, 2013

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry says “no one was fundamentally harmed” by the IRS’s targeting of Obama-unapproved applicants for tax-exempt status. (Go to 4:00 of the video to skip the preceding lies.) Elsewhere, detestable Bill Maher inquires: “Is it unreasonable [for IRS] to target an anti-tax group?” Good lord. I’ve discussed the…

Townhall: Shut Up and Listen

Relevance: 28%      Posted on: April 15, 2012

The common-sense column this weekend is up on, now, so please click on over and give it a try. And then come back here for links: Hilary Rosen what Hilary said what Hillary said, years ago Jane Fonda Ron Paul on Mitt's wealth

The Russians Are Coming

Relevance: 27%      Posted on: August 5, 2016

There’s no accounting for taste, especially regarding humor. For instance, the 1966 film “The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming” is, to me, a classic. And I think Donald Trump’s recent sarcasm — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”…

Totally Eye-Popping

Relevance: 27%      Posted on: April 15, 2015

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that a presidential candidate demonstrates an ability to raise enough money to effectively reach the “inhabitants of America” with his political message? On Friday, National Public Radio’s The Diane Rehm Show took a further drag on our tax dollars to take…

They Don’t Need No Stinkin’ White Men?

Relevance: 27%      Posted on: December 26, 2016

All informed, concerned adults should vote. If they want to. Yes, I am all for ballot access, and suggestions that we must minimize the vote in any election elicit a shiver: calls for voter participation reduction give me the creeps. But that does not mean that every push for increased…

The FUBAR State

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: January 23, 2012

Newt Gingrich came from behind for a smashing victory in South Carolina’s primary last Saturday. And yet a more interesting story may be emerging in Iowa: Rick Santorum, not Romney, is apparently the Republican caucus winner. Though that’s not counting the eight precincts whose official results forms went missing. This…

Socialism by the Dose

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: June 6, 2012

In 1947, at the first meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, the free-market conference in Switzerland, august Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises harrumphed that young Milton Friedman and many other budding anti-socialists of those dark days of mid-century Western culture were, in reality, “all a bunch of socialists.” Mises stormed…

Townhall: Some Days the Bear Eats You

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: August 7, 2016

Russia. The Bear. Putin. The Tyrant. America. The Oblivious? Click on over to Townhall for further variations on a theme. With Trump in the picture. Then  retreat back here, for your further edification: C-Span: Donald Trump on Russia and Missing Hillary Clinton Emails New York Times: Cash Flowed to Clinton…

Townhall: Another Skittles-related death

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: March 25, 2012

This weekend's column is about the Trayvon Martin case. Check it out, and come back here for relevant links: GOP Candidates on Shooting Obama on soul-searching for all of us Background on Trayvon Martin Background on George Zimmerman And finally, there's Geraldo:

Not Another Insider

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: December 23, 2014

Some people sighed a big sigh this last week: a few with a grateful, “at long last” sense of relief; others with all the hopefulness that Sisyphus must’ve felt each time he put shoulder to boulder at the bottom of the mountain, and started rolling his fated rock up the…

No Fight Club

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: May 2, 2012

The first rule of No Fight Club is that there is no fight. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) went to the well of the U.S. House of Representatives to indignantly declare, “There is absolutely no fight.” Mr. Boehner is correct. That’s not the good news, it’s the bad. As with so…

Brothers in Crime

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: June 20, 2013

James “Whitey” Bulger adamantly denies two of the 19 murders he’s accused of committing and for which he’s now on trial in a Boston federal court, along with facing a dozen lesser charges. Decades ago, the 83-year old reputed mobster allegedly ran much of the city’s organized crime. Whitey may…

Sore Insiders

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: June 15, 2012

Party politics is often underhanded. Many of our country’s founders knew this all too well, and tried to avoid the factionalism of party politics. But still, two political factions emerged, and our politics has been dominated by two parties ever since. And believe me, the two insider parties work mightily…

Blame Policy

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: March 13, 2012

Petroleum-based fuels are going up in price, so naturally people start looking for someone to blame. Call up the Usual Suspects: Speculators. These futures market folks never get credit for lowering the prices of gas, but they can always be counted on to serve as easy “bad guy” targets when…

Obama Promises Accountability, Stop Laughing

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: February 12, 2014

“I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable,” President Barack Obama told Bill O’Reilly of Fox News during last Sunday’s Super Bowl interview . . . and with a straight face. When studies show one in 20 food stamp transactions to be fraudulent; when the…

Waste, Fraud and Abuse

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: August 22, 2012

There are few things less inspiring than listening to Republican and Democratic Party candidates and their flunkies discuss entitlement reform. Last weekend, the Romney camp defended its newly acquired reform high-ground from assaults by the current administration. Rep. Paul Ryan had famously charged that the Democrats’ health care reform package…

War and Broccoli

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: April 11, 2012

The art of polling is similar to almost any effort where interpretation is required: Context is important. The Reason-Rupe pollsters seem to get this. Their recent survey covers not only a lot of ground (the president’s job performance, possible candidates in the upcoming elections, health care, morality and war) but…

(B)Rand Recognition

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: August 28, 2013

Is the Republican Party bent on defining itself out of existence? Recent squabbles between the neoconservative Old Guard (Chris Christie, Peter King) and the scions (political as well as biological) of Ron Paul suggest this. The Republican Party exists as an alliance of several distinct ideological groups: social conservatives, libertarianish…

Predictable Prescription

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: September 14, 2012

President Obama loves a laugh line he uttered during his convention speech and is now on tour with it, using it to stoke up his campaign whistle stops. Obama told us that Republican policy amounts to this: “Have a surplus? Try a tax cut. Deficit too high? Try another. Feel…

It Could Be Worse

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: November 8, 2012

If your candidate or issue didn’t win on Tuesday, then, sure, Western civilization is completely finished, kaput. No doubt. But still, let’s look at the bright side. At least the presidential election provided a $2.5 billion stimulus to the economy, without raising anyone’s taxes (yet) or borrowing a nickel from…

Garbage Day

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: March 16, 2012

Sometimes, before you can progress, you must first take out the garbage. This is certainly true of America’s vast library of laws and regulations. The solution? Repeal. Congress needs to go into a session devoted to repealing existing laws and regulations. The reasons for such a grand garbage disposal were…

Pelosi doesn’t care

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: July 18, 2012

It’s often difficult to know where ideology ends and realpolitik begins. Politicians claim to be pure partisans of principle alone — “statesmen,” to use the old-fashioned term. But observe their behavior and quickly their personal and professional interests shake out of their sleeves. With the medical industry reform bill now…

Townhall: Arrogant Pols, Go Home!

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: April 16, 2017

Politicians! A few years in office are enough. Arrogance needs nipping in the bud. Click on over to Townhall. Come back for the complete context. YouTube: “Okie from Muskogee” by Merle Haggard Deseret News: “Sen. Hatch's re-election bid proves the need for term limits” TPM: Hatch: “Sorry, Romney, Trump Is…

Debate Versus Intimidate

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: January 10, 2014

Political donors often prefer to remain anonymous. It’s not just shyness. Anonymity can protect you from unscrupulous political opponents. The higher your profile — especially if you’re persuasive, or your story contradicts some treasured “narrative” — the higher your risk may be. At, Mike Flynn writes that “non-disclosure of…

The Next Thing in Money

Relevance: 12%      Posted on: May 25, 2012

When times get tough, the tough . . . switch currencies. A fascinating report by Eric Garland in The Atlantic tells of the upswing in “local currencies.” In the United Kingdom, the Brixton Pound is being floated, engraved on its paper notes the likes of “David Bowie in his Ziggy…

The late great Social Security swindle

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: October 21, 2007

On the Ides of October the first Baby Boomer applied for Social Security retirement. Not disability, mind you: retirement. A Maryland teacher, born a second after midnight on Jan. 1, 1946, will become eligible to receive early retirement benefits next New Year’s Day. And so begins the next crisis of…

And Now, Behind Door No. 3

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: May 31, 2016

It’s been an unusual election year, and it’s far from over. This weekend, the Libertarian Party is holding its presidential nominating convention in Orlando, Florida, close to Disney World — or close to a Veterans Administration hospital . . . they’re so difficult to tell apart. Both have long lines.…

An Alternate Political Program

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: May 21, 2014

Often, national politics seems like the Peanuts cartoon: Lucy grips the football, promising to hold steady; Charlie Brown runs to kick the ball, and Lucy swipes it away at the last moment. The American people want an end to all sorts of corruption and folly in Washington. That’s not asking…