
Townhall: Worst Actors in a Freedom-Destroying Drama

Friday’s events may cast a shadow upon the rest of the race — or serve as a spark to ignite a fiery finish of this campaign year. Click on over to Townhall, for Paul Jacob’s Common Sense perspective. Other links? Well, there are stories everywhere. But for the GOP also-rans complaining about the front runner, click over to the Washington Post.

And scroll on back to yesterday’s video.

The image, above, is of one of the protestors getting his flag up onto CNN’s cameras. The CNN commentariat did not see fit to mention it. I guess it would have broken the rhythm of most of the talking heads excoriating Trump for all the violence. I am sure they think Trump was responsible for protestors blocking ambulances, too.


Townhall: Grandmother of Us All

The Bill and Hillary Show has never stopped playing in America. Click on over to Townhall, for this weekend’s expansion of Friday’s Common Sense. Then come back here for a walk down Memory Lane — and don’t be fooled, at this point, it still makes a difference!


Townhall: Work and Pay Realism vs Progressive Nonsense

What people get paid in the open market depends upon choices about time and productivity. But not all work takes place in that market. And there’s progress, to boot.

Click on over to, for this weekend’s dose of Common Sense — something rare when it comes to talk about earnings differences between the sexes.

Then come back here for more reading:


Townhall: Decrypting a Government Agenda

Zombie government wants to eat our brains. Click on over to Townhall, for this weekend’s Common Sense column. Then come back here for more brain pickings:


Townhall: Aspirational Involuntary Servitude

Equality of rights under the law is no excuse for equality of tyranny. Click on over to for the full column. Come back here for more information and opinion:


Townhall: Stand In for Rand?

Yes, we miss Rand Paul already.

Paul Jacob’s February 7, 2016, column is online . . .

Go to to read!

And come back here for more information: