
Townhall: Finns, Americans and the Income Guarantee

Fixing the welfare state, for everybody’s benefit, should be high on the political agenda. But if a fix isn’t possible, maybe we should be thinking more radically about its very real problems.

Click on over to, for Paul Jacob’s December 20, 2015, column. Then come back here, for more information.

Finland, Guaranteed Income, UBI, welfare, income, Common Sense, illustration


Townhall: Kasich — Governor, Pope or Schizo?

On Saturday, we regaled you with the video clip of Gov. John Kasich, more than straddling the proverbial fence, indeed . . . jumping around it like a rodeo clown — or perhaps someone in a tad less control.

Today, at, we aim to edify . . . with an analysis of same. Click on over, then come back here, for more Governor John Kasich fun!


Townhall: The Democrats’ Domino Approach to Rights

In the face of terrorism and mass murder, some reach for their weapons — in self-defense.

Others reach . . . to take away our rights. Expanding on Friday’s thoughts, Your Column Sense columnist essays a new domino cascade, at Click on over, then come back here, for more reading:


Townhall: The Oddest Yoga Position of All

This week, Common Sense looks at the insanity of “cultural appropriation.” Which has reached a new low point of crazed nincompoopery in Ontario. See Sunday’s column on, by Yours Truly, Paul Jacob. Then come back here for further forays into the realm of modern progressive ideology gone completely off its rocker:


Townhall: Our Innocent Stuff vs. Guilty Government

Government is supposed to defend our rights, including rights to property. Too often, our police departments merely steal. Play criminal themselves. Click on over to for the full story. Come back here for more reading . . . and viewing:


Townhall: A Sudden Case of Homesickness

There is more to the Jon Woods story than previously essayed here on Common Sense. So click over to Townhall and learn. Some of it will be familiar, but the new information is interesting too.

Oh, and some background reading:

Wicked Mr. Woods is Out 

Saving Term Limits

A Thoroughly Unethical Politician